Items to Put Into a Climate-Controlled Self-Storage Unit

When moving house, you may realise that you have a tremendous amount of belongings and they may not all be able to fit in your new residence. If you have no time to dispose of them through profitable channels or perhaps want to hang on to some things due to sentimental value, you may be considering self-storage. However, what some people may be unaware of about long-term storage is that the most significant danger posed to your items would be erratic temperature changes as well as exposure to moisture in the form of humidity. Thus, it is recommended to always consider a climate-controlled unit if you would like the assurance of your belongings staying in one piece for the duration that they will be put away. Although some items may be unscathed in conventional storage, the following are items that should always go into a climate-controlled unit:


Any important documents that you have should be safely stored away in a climate-controlled unit. If the documents are exposed to high temperatures, they will steadily start to yellow, and this can distort what is on them. Moreover, the documents may also become brittle, which accelerates the rate at which they crumble. If the documents are exposed to humidity, they can start to rot and will eventually deteriorate. Not only should you opt for a climate-controlled unit, but it is recommended to put medical records, photographs, legal documents and more in plastic casings to provide them with an additional layer of protection.


Plastic furniture may survive in regular storage. But if you have furnishings made from hardwood, leather and fabric, a climate-controlled unit would be a better alternative. If these furnishings are exposed to moisture and high heat, they will succumb to cracking, warping and even discolouration. Not to mention that fabric upholstery and mattresses would attract silverfish and other bugs. Make sure to disassemble the furniture, wrap the pieces in cling film and safely store them in a climate-controlled unit.


Most people are aware that electronic items should always be protected from moisture. And although this is a serious risk, not many people are aware that high temperatures also pose the threat of irreparable damage to these gadgets. Thus, you may reason that covering your electronics in cling film may keep them safe in regular storage but this will not protect the internal components from sweltering temperatures, particularly during the summer. It is critical to put these items in a climate-controlled unit as they will be protected from humidity as well as the heat. In addition to this, your electronics will also be protected from dust particles that could end up clogging sensitive elements inside the gadgets. 
